Preliminary Results after Four Years of MonaLisa Touch® Treatments

Filippini M., Farinelli M. Gynaecological Endoscopy Functional Unit of the Republic of San Marino State Hospital. May 2017.

This preliminary review aims to draw conclusions about the efficacy of MonaLisa Touch® therapy in treating main symptoms of patients with Genitourinary Syndrome of menopause (GSM).
From January 2013 to December 2016, a total of 1,135 MonaLisa Touch® laser treatments were performed at the Republic of San Marino State Hospital’s Department of Pathology of the Lower Genital Tract and Laser Therapy, on 527 patients suffering from GUS symptoms.
All patients were subjected to Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) as well as two specific questionnaires after each treatment to be able to monitor the improvement in each symptom. The data collected over the four years of the trial are being analysed in order to extract information on the efficacy of this treatment…Download document